Show Space Design provides various space planning, interior design, system cabinet and water and electricity planning, renovation and other services throughout Taiwan, giving you the best advice and planning a comfortable space for you.


Works-Commercial Space

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]秀空間設計參加 2023-Novum Design Award獲得國際評審青睞,在眾多參賽作品中嶄露頭角、脫穎而出,成為今年度銀獎獲獎者。[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="9480" img_size="full"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Novum Design Award為建築設計類、室內設計類、城市規劃和景觀設計類、家具設計類、照明設計類、數位藝術和圖形設計類的國際賽事,才華橫溢的設計師透過此參賽機制獲得國際聲譽和認可。 所有參賽作品將由Novum Design Award(NDA)評審團在10個類別中進行仔細評估與檢查,並對於品質、技術充分性、設計作品的真實性等層面給予設計分數,秀空間設計在眾多參賽者中脫穎而出,秀設計注重團隊對於設計、施作的堅持與專業,時常在設計案上腦力激盪激發設計師們的淺力與無限創造力,帶領團隊在各項國際賽事中屢獲佳績。[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height="10px"][vc_single_image image="9513" img_size="full"][vc_empty_space height="10px"][vc_single_image image="9489" img_size="full"][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title="預約規劃諮詢" shape="square" color="mulled-wine" i_icon_fontawesome="fas fa-bell" add_icon="true" link="|title:%E9%A0%90%E7%B4%84%E8%A6%8F%E5%8A%83%E8%AB%AE%E8%A9%A2|target:_blank"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Show Space Design participated in the 2023 American Muse Design Awards and was recognized again, winning the highest honor, the Parkin Award. The purpose of the Muse Design Award is to discover and promote existing and developing design professionals to improve people's lives and quality. In 2023, there are more than 6,000 contestants from more than 40 countries, covering fields such as interior design, architecture, and landscape. Awards include Silver, Gold, and Platinum Awards. There are only a handful of recipients of the highest honor, the Parkin Award, every year, so it is definitely a doctor’s honor to stand out.

Show Space Design participated in the 2023 American Muse Design Awards and was recognized again, winning the highest honor, the Parkin Award. The purpose of the Muse Design Award is to discover and promote existing and developing design professionals to improve people's lives and quality. In 2023, there are more than 6,000 contestants from more than 40 countries, covering fields such as interior design, architecture, and landscape. Awards include Silver, Gold, and Platinum Awards. There are only a handful of recipients of the highest honor, the Parkin Award, every year, so it is definitely a doctor’s honor to stand out.

In recent years, new creations have been winning awards at the International Design Awards (International Design Awards) in the United States, which have attracted much attention in the design industry. In addition to design concepts, they also have cultural, practical, innovative and other aspects. Designers are encouraged to give more play. . The IDA Design Award was founded in 2007. The judges are composed of design, art, editing and other professionals from all over the world. They are quite comprehensive. The awards can also provide designers with good media and network resources. We were honored to participate in the 2022 IDA Design Awards, Show Space Design, and won the 2022 IDA Honor Award. We submitted the design of the office as an entry yesterday, which mapped the flowing atmosphere and oriental cultural connotation on the expression techniques. Fortunately, the judges favored it. It is also true that we hone our expertise and develop new knowledge.

Even if it is a public bidding project, in addition to the original professional services, every colleague of the Show Space team can't help but be immersed in the feeling of giving back to the community and recreating the community's living functions. During the process, Show Space Design continues to provide space planning. Well-designed circulation lines create convenient display spaces and vegetable and fruit storage and preservation spaces. There is also a kind of anxious expectation, silently holding the thought of dedication, looking forward to the completion of the project, which can become a lively emotion in the neighborhood, flow human touch and promote the community. A prosperous gathering place.

The quiet tea drinking environment, the sales space design of tea and tea set related supplies, simple inspection and adjustment, and the use of wood texture to highlight the natural warmth of tea leaves and tea sets, allow people to naturally immerse themselves in the atmosphere of enjoying tea.

The Herding Cat Pet Hotel, which started in Tainan and established a distinguished cat accommodation service, has expanded its territory northward to Zhubei, providing that cat owners in the north can also enjoy top-level accommodation and care for their cats, large square meters of free space, and a clean and comfortable environment. , with dedicated personnel to patrol and care, and a professional team, it is definitely the best choice for cat accommodation.
