Show Space Design provides various space planning, interior design, system cabinet and water and electricity planning, renovation and other services throughout Taiwan, giving you the best advice and planning a comfortable space for you.


Show Your Design

Show Design provides services such as system furniture, interior design, and décor. Set an atmosphere and let design add flavor to your life.

Interior Design

Provide professional interior design and commercial space design planning to help you realize your ideal environment.


Old Home Renovations

Through the interior design planning of old house renovation, exterior decoration, structural changes and strengthening, your old house will have a new and special look.


System Cabinets

ShowSpace offers expert system cabinet planning services, encompassing precise in-house measurements, thorough planning evaluation, material selection, efficient construction, and impeccable quality. Our warranty policies safeguard your new home investment.


Home | Modern simplicity | Tainan Yongkang New City Shanhua Interior Design

commercial space / Interior design / Old house renovation / Self-built on site


Home | Light Industrial Style | Tainan Yongkang New City Shanhua Interior Design

commercial space / Interior design / Old house renovation / Self-built on site


Home Design | Light Industrial Style | Building Apartment | Tainan Yongkang New City Shanhua Interior Design

commercial space / Interior design / Old house renovation / Self-built on site


Self-built | Tuotian Residential | Tainan Yongkang New City Shanhua Interior Design

commercial space / Interior design / Old house renovation / Self-built on site

Appointment for Consultation

We will provide you with professional services and consultations through appointments, via the official website, fan page, phone, or in person at our store.

On-site Measurement

Our designer will visit the site to take measurements, understand the spatial layout, and plan the electrical and plumbing routes. ShowSpace offers you comprehensive professional planning and advice.

Cost and Budget Estimation

Our designers will prepare interior drawings for you, which will be presented and discussed to ensure that you understand the project timeframe, planning specifics, and cost estimates.

Contract Signing

Following confirmation of the planning drawings and design direction, we will sign the design contract and collect a deposit. Then we'll schedule a second site measurement and begin working on the full design.

Material Confirmation

ShowSpace handles every aspect for you, confirming the necessary materials, textures, colors, patterns, and boards, as well as scheduling all construction dates.

Project Construction

Following the project plan, we complete the work on time, manage material delivery, oversee on-site details, and monitor quality and progress to create the environment you imagine.

Completion Inspection

Following completion, we will organize a final inspection to confirm the construction's quality and outcomes. Then you'll be ready to settle in and enjoy your custom-designed space.

After-Sales Service

ShowSpace offers a three-year warranty on materials, one year on waterproofing, and three years on building quality.

Team show space team

Rich interior design planning, years of accumulated experience in renovating old houses and diversified space planning achievements can create a comfortable environment that is unique to you.

Close to your needs

Create exclusive designs for your needs and budget

Rigorous construction

Proper protection, on-site management, always focused

insist on quality

Comprehensive warranty service, trust with peace of mind

Friendly and environmentally friendly

Low-pollution materials, friendly to the environment, protecting the next generation

Professional advice

Provide the best advice, detailed instructions and dedicated service

Time course control

Systematically track progress to ensure progress and on-schedule delivery

Latest blog news

Xiu Space focuses on space planning, design, decoration, old house renovation and other services. We share a lot of experience and knowledge in space design and provide it as a reference for friends who have needs in space design.

Contact us

If you have needs for interior design, old house renovation, commercial space design or self-construction, please contact Xiu Space Design immediately.

No. 197, Sunshine Avenue, Shanhua District, Tainan City

No. 665, Xiaodong Road, Yongkang District, Tainan City


Drop a line



(06) 583 2271

design. Reflect your personal style.

Xiu Space provides you with professional and considerate space planning services and complete construction guarantees, making your life more tasteful and fun.